Archive for August, 2013

'The Grandmaster,' Wong Kar-wai's New Film

Ip Man, sometimes called Yip Man, was born as Ip Kai Man or Yip Kai Man. Mr. Wong makes him 40 when the movie opens in China 1936, and while the historical figure would have been somewhat older, it sounds better when, in voice–over, Mr. Leung …


UPC Holding mierne zvýšil tržby

UPC Holding, ktorého súčasťou je aj slovenská spoločnosť UPC Broadband Slovakia, dosiahol podľa predbežných výsledkov za druhý kvartál roka dvojpercentný nárast tržieb na 1,08 mld. eur. Tržby za celý prvý polrok vzrástli o 3 % na 2,16 mld. eur.


The €2bn bill for delivering 4G is looking very pricey

To put that in perspective, that's faster than Eircom's highest 'next generation' landline broadband service and a solid 50 per cent of the speed of UPC's 50Mbs fibre service. The signal faded a little in some buildings within the 4G areas (I used it …

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