Archive for August, 2013

'Mesh' Your Way to a Safer Internet

The networks are made possible by what's known as the “last mile”—connections between the computer in your home and the physical array of fiber optic Internet, telephone and TV cables that make up the backbone of the Internet. That's where commercial …


SAUDIA reaps the benefits of SITA's IP Telephony

Mr. Muhammad Al Bakri, VP Information Technology, Saudia, said: “The new voice–over–IP solution represents a major milestone in the IMCAN program, and it helps us remove substantial costs from our business. Our partner, SITA, did an excellent job …


UPC by si vás najradšej upísalo krvou

„Vami požadovaný právny úkon je možné podať podľa všeobecných obchodných podmienok a to písomne s vlastnoručným podpisom na adresu : UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA, P.O.BOX 216, 850 00 Bratislava 5." Klientský servis. Pozrel som si Všeobecné …


Katie's gold beats Packie's save

"The UPC TV survey shows that the Irish are passionate about watching their favourite sports on TV," said David Kent, content development manager with UPC. Meanwhile, soccer and rugby beats hurling and gaelic when it comes to TV viewers, according to …


Intel Lays Out Its Grand Wireless Plan

By the end of August, Intel will be one of just two chip makers shipping a low-power, multimode, multiband 4G LTE modem capable of Voice–over LTE (VoLTE), the Intel XMM 7160. Intel unveiled that chipset for LTE/DC-HSPA+ smartphones at this year's …

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