Archive for September, 2013

UPC Poland updates telephony offers

Both plans come with 100 minutes to UPC lines, plus 60 minutes to other networks for PLN 35 per month or 240 minutes to other networks for PLN 50. In addition, customers can now use minutes in their subscription not only for calls to 41 countries …


A 300-year history of banking

Figures from the Payments Council show that 56pc of adults use internet banking, while 29pc bank on the telephone. As fewer people go into bank branches, most of Britain's big banks have begun to reduce their branch networks. Figures from the Campaign …


Dialing Features to Allow More Call Control

With so much business these days being conducted over the phone, businesses really need their phone systems to be highly functional systems with many features, giving employees the most efficient ways of conducting telecommunications. Employees …


Strange Bedfellows

Specifically, AT&T found common ground with a white paper Public Knowledge released about the transition from antiquated telephone networks to the advanced high-speed broadband networks of the future. In this paper, Public Knowledge articulated five …


Hungarian regulator leaves post

He played an important role in guiding Hungary's transition to digital broadcasting, which is now in its final stages, but made the decision to leave the NMHH following Szalai's recent death. Prior to joining NMHH, Mátrai held a senior position at UPC …


UPC Czech Republic appoints VP Sales and Marketing

UPC Czech Republic appointed Jason King (39) as VP Sales and Marketing. He will be responsible for product management, marketing and sales. King is Canadian and graduated from international marketing at the University of Strathclyde in the UK. He has …

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