All posts by John Lyons

Conferencing Solutions : The Boom Ahead

Today's enterprises are also looking forward to leading edge technology, flexible conference, highly scalable solutions, secure VoIP conferencing, embedded multipoint options and videoconferencing solutions. There is a strong evidence that stand-alone …


UPC koná v súlade so zákonom, rozhodol TU SR

Spoločnosť UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA koná v spore s košickým operátorom ANTIK Telecom v súlade so zákonom. Rozhodol o tom Telekomunikačný úrad SR s tým, že spoločnosť UPC neporušila voči firme ANTIK žiadnu povinnosť vyplývajúcu zo …


Superfast! Confessions of a secret 4G user

To put that in perspective, that's faster than Eircom's highest 'next generation' landline broadband service and a solid 50 per cent of the speed of UPC's 50Mbs fibre service. The signal faded a little in some buildings within the 4G areas (I used it …


Software writer attacks robocalls

If you have a bunch of different phones, it can ring all of them at the same time so you can pick up all your calls from anywhere: your office line, your cellphone, your spouse's phone. It was built into all phone systems in the 1980s but most people …

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