All posts by John Lyons

httv annonce l'intégration de son logiciel middleware httvLink avec les circuits …

Les circuits intégrés haute définition de Broadcom offrent une solution économique et compact pour l'implémentation des services de divertissement sur internet,» souligne Rich Nelson vice-président directeur de Broadband Communications Group. « Alliés …


Bahrain telcos see drop in voice revenues

Even businesses are employing technologies such as VoIP and IP telephony to reduce operational expenses," he pointed out. "All of this is driving business away from voice services and forcing telcos to look at new offerings," Singh added. But Singh is …


Felbolydult a telkó szektor

Stephane Richard vezérigazgató konkrétan Spanyolországot és Lengyelországot említette egy sajtótájékoztatón – írja a Broadband TV News. Máshol, ahol eddig csak mobil szolgáltatásokat nyújtottak, így például Belgiumban és Romániában, akvizíciók révén …


Facebook 'friend' heads to Australia

Already, local brands such as The Good Guys, 99designs and Atlassian have jumped on board. Blue Jeans global chief commercial officer Stu Aaron claimed that traditional videoconferencing systems cost around $US1 compared with 10c on Blue Jeans.


Readers discuss market, Syria

Sweeping away the old Ma Bell-style utility rules, the 1996 Telecommunications Act empowered cable, telephone, and wireless companies to build new networks and compete for business, generating a $1.2 trillion avalanche of private sector investment and …


Is war with Iran inevitable?

… the regime on February 11, 2010 (the anniversary of the final triumph of the revolution in 1979) by closing down Internet servers and mobile phone networks, and by closing off access to Azadi Square by all but pro-regime supporters bused in from …

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