All posts by John Lyons

UPC Czech Republic launches new bundle with 240Mbps internet

Liberty Global-owned cable operator UPC Czech Republic has launched a new bundled combining 240Mbps internet access with over 100 TV channels for CZK859 (€33.40) to those subscribers who sign up for a year. The cable operator has also boosted its …


Scoff now, but you're probably getting a smartwatch

The hype that surrounded voice control systems on phones, like Apple's Siri, don't appear to have been matched with uptake. People just don't want to broadcast their activities and interests to the general public around them, whether it's using a phone …


You can surely set up an IP Telephony Business in India

There is no ban on a licensed basic or long distance service provider deploying an IP backbone and carrying voice traffic over a network that has IP capabilities. The service provider is free to offer any type of application that is possible on a VoIP …


Výsledky Algotechu za rok 2006 vzrostly o 50 procent

“V České republice a na Slovensku se mezi uživatele technologie pro profesionální centra zákaznické péče, implementované společností Algotech, zařadily renomované společnosti z finanční i mediální sféry, například Slovenská sporiteľňa, UPC Broadband …

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