All posts by John Lyons

RECORD: UPC lansează cel mai rapid internet din ROMÂNIA

În prima fază, cel mai rapid serviciu de Internet, Fiber Power 200 Mbps, va fi disponibil în 9 oraşe (București, Bacău, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Galați, Iași, Ploiești, Timișoara și Sibiu), care acoperă peste 60% din zona în care UPC oferă servicii de …


UPC Romania launches internet at 200 Mbps speeds in 9 cities

UPC Romania will launch 'Fiber Power' internet with download speeds of 200 Mbps in 9 cities on 2 September, namely in the capital Bucharest, Bacau, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Galati, Iasi, Ploiesti, Timisoara and Sibiu, writes local publication Wall …


How a low-level hack shut down the New York Times

"Imagine an attack where I walk in to the office where the telephone records are kept, and I fraudulently rewrite all the numbers associated with the New York Times. In the physical world, this attack wouldn't be practical," says Mike Lloyd chief …


Smart Home Services To Reach $10.9 Billion in 2017

In large part because those same triple-play offerings they provide you are under attack from the likes of Internet video and voice over IP and smart home services provide a new and attractive new revenue stream. Of course, companies like Comcast have …

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