All posts in Telephone Systems

Facebook 'friend' heads to Australia

Already, local brands such as The Good Guys, 99designs and Atlassian have jumped on board. Blue Jeans global chief commercial officer Stu Aaron claimed that traditional videoconferencing systems cost around $US1 compared with 10c on Blue Jeans.


Can dialog-based interfaces be the next Braille?

The first electronic hearing aid was developed on the heels of the telephone; the advent of mechanized technology allowed for the invention and mass production of Braille cards. And the wheelchair, of course, followed the invention of the wheel …


If you won't talk to people, get out of business

After dialing, I encountered one of those phone systems that gives you a bunch of choices for reaching certain departments, such as “1 for operations,” “2 for route information,” “3 to jump off a cliff,” etc. Not knowing exactly where the two people I …


State to take unemployment calls Saturday

“We are making progress everyday in getting those claimants paid who had problems with their claims or who have been unable to get through the telephone system,” said director Frank Woodbeck in a Friday statement. “The telephone and Internet claim …

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