All posts by John Lyons

UPC győzelem a szomszédban

Az ország telekommunikációs hatósága (TU SR) elutasította az Antik Telecom beadványát, melyben annak megállapítását kérte, hogy a UPC Broadband Slovakia megsértette az elektronikus kommunikációról szóló törvényt illetve a hivatal határozatait.


Has UBC lost Muteesa's voice?

Some claim Muteesa's speeches and pictures were erased by former UPC stalwart and Samia Bugwe North MP, Aggrey Awori, who was head of the public broadcaster at the time. But the former legislator, who crossed from UPC to NRM in 2007, has roundly …


Samsung Mega Blurs Line Between Phone, Tablet

"You can install Skype and make phone calls on a tablet," Entner said. "Tablets might not have the circuit-powered phone capability but the voice over IP telephone capability is certainly there and people are technology agnostic. It doesn't matter to …

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