All posts by John Lyons

UPC: Ak nesúhlasíte so zvýšením cien, môžete vypovedať zmluvu (2x Doplnené)

Pôvodný článok, dnes o 14:40: Klienti, ktorí majú viazanú službu od UPC a nesúhlasia s novými cenami, môžu bezplatne odstúpiť od zmluvy. „Zákazník môže podať výpoveď podľa Všeobecných podmienok štandardným spôsobom. Výpovedná lehota je …


Hosted VoIP to bloom as comms market grows

The market for UC and voice over IP (VoIP) services performed impressively last year, with global revenue growing by a fifth to $41.6bn. IP connectivity services are the market's biggest growth area, followed by hosted VoIP and UC services and managed …


LIBERTY GLOBAL : to Hold Special Meeting of Stockholders

Our market-leading triple-play services are provided through next-generation networks and innovative technology platforms that connect 20 million customers subscribing to 35 million television, broadband internet and telephony services as of March 31 …


Why UPC party cannot eat its cake and have it

The truth: Opposition parties present a viable alternative to the current government by designing alternative ideas, principles and policies for governing society. Should the party in power let the voters down, the government-in-waiting takes over the …

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