All posts by John Lyons

Start-up tackling high tariff calling rates Press Release – 06/23/2013 – Toronto – announces today the official launch of, a website platform devoted to increasing awareness and facilitating understanding of voice over–ip (VoIP) implementation, …


Elkelt a Virgin

Az ügyletet négy hónappal ezelőtt jelentették be, azóta minden részvényesi és szabályozói áldást is megkapott a lépés, illetve a tranzakció is megtörtént – írja a Broadband TV News. A Liberty Globalhoz tartozik többek között a UPC és a Chello is. A …


Pushing the Boundaries in Chromatography

UPC2 combines the unique properties of carbon dioxide mobile phases with the ability to run gradients with common organic solvents, like methanol or acetonitrile, on stationary phases that have both normal- and reverse-phase characteristics, to cover a …


Fire Island – – Cherished Retreat of Well – Heeled Manhattanites – – Finds …

Not only does Fire Island lack paved roads, but thanks to Hurricane Sandy, this summer it will become one of the first places in the United States to turn off the pesky, old public switched telephone network. Early this month, residents got a letter …


Upwardly Mobile as JMC eyes a base in Yorkshire

We will look at different things right from your mobile phones to your broadband to your telephone systems, your IT, all that sort of stuff. We can advise you on what products to go for and how to make your company a lot more efficient and effective in …


Horse & Country TV van start bij Ziggo

Naast de start in het TV Extra pakket van Ziggo, zal H&C TV vanaf 3 juli a.s. ook te ontvangen zijn door de 209.000 analoge abonnees van UPC in de regio Zuid-Holland Zuid bij Rotterdam . Door de doorgifte bij Ziggo en UPC zal H&C TV beschikbaar zijn in …


UPC begint test met wifi-hotspots

UPC begint per 1 juli met een test rond wifi-hotspots. Net als bij Ziggo worden modems van klanten dan ingezet als wifinetwerk voor andere klanten. De eerste proef vindplaats in Zutphen. Klanten krijgen binnenkort meer informatie over de test. De test …

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