All posts by John Lyons

Liberty Sees New World for Horizon

The UPC Broadband unit is testing free WiFi hotspots in the Netherlands and using its home routers to create the hotspots. Dorr noted that Ziggo B.V. already operates more than 1 million hotspots, and he suggested that the two large cable operators …


UPC Slovakia introduces triple-play promotion

UPC Slovakia has launched a campaign for its autumn promotion of internet services and triple play packages. The promotion includes the fast internet service UPC Fiber Power, offered for four months at EUR 5 per month and then at EUR 11.90 per month.


Jesenná kampaň UPC prináša zákazníkom vyššie benefity

Kvalitné digitálne služby sú teraz ešte bližšie a dostupnejšie jednoducho pre všetkých,“ povedal Martin Miller, generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA. Internet na štyri mesiace len za 5 €: internetové služby UPC Fiber Power sú v rámci …


UPC Show Episode 43! Blue Collar Comedy meets Provo Pride

Yes, you read that headline right, we have a little bit of everything in this episode. It's officially autumn, and UPC writer Alex Cragun and UPC editor Michael Iverson join Curtis in the studio this week. The boys had quite the show as they talked …

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